2. 覆盖在靠球外面的橡胶层,用来保护靠球骨架材料和内层胶免受外力损伤或磨损,主要特点:高强度、耐磨、耐老化和抗撕裂。
the rubber layer covered outside the ball is to protect skeleton material and inner glue from external force damage and abrasion. The main character is high strength, anti-abrasion, anti-aging as well as anti-tearing
2.锦纶帘布加强层/ Synthetic cord reinforced rubber layer
加强层是由锦纶帘线层缠绕组成的,维护靠球内部的空气压力, 其特点不变形、回弹高、强力大等优点。
the reinforce rubber layer is composed by synthetic cord, maintaining pressure inside the ball.
The main character is no deformation(不变形) and high springback (回弹高)
3.内层胶/ Inner Rubber
the inner rubber is to protect gas leakage(气体渗漏), stay on the ball pressure.
4.端部法兰/ End Flange
the mental parts at the end of the ball can be installed inflation valve and safety valve.
根据ISO17357:2002船用靠球出厂要做一下试验 1.橡胶材料试验,包括外层胶和内层胶 2,尺寸检查 船用靠球的尺寸检测应该在初充气压力下完成,尺寸偏差如下 a) 长度:+10%,-5%; b) 直径:+10%,-5%; 直径应该至少在靠球中间段的两个以上部位测量,,并取平均值。 3、气密性检测 靠球充气达到初始内压,30min内应无泄漏。 4.水压试验 将靠球充水,内压达到10kpa时记录纵向长度和周向长度。继续充水,内压达到表4或表5所列的0%变形量试验压力时,保持10min,无水泄露,且靠球无损坏。